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CCC Youth Launch

09.02.12 | Ministry, Youth Ministry

    1. YM. Launch. 2012.2

    CCC's youth ministry has started up for the 2012-2013 school year. Our first week of activities went very well. The new youth space created at CCC over the summer is great! We look forward to making use of the space this year.

    The first youth meeting of the year was Bongos on August 22nd. There were a LOT of new students and a great energy. 38 students, along with 8 leaders (including student leaders) turned up, equally the attendance at the last Bongos back in June. We're definitely on the way to a huge year!

    1. YM. Launch. 2012.3

    Rev met the next night, and despite the large number of students who moved away over the summer there were still nearly 30 students there, including a bunch of first-time attenders.

    1. YM. Launch. 2012

    On Sunday the 26th we had our first SMYM (Sunday Morning Youth Message). As we filed out of the main service to head down to the youth room there were a lot of wide eyes - and yes, there were a lot of us! There were 118 people in SMYM, including 7 leaders. We had a great time, playing some games and introducing the new space. Again, we're set for a huge year!

    1. YM. Launch. 2012.4

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